
Blessed be God… our help and our salvation
We are blessed as creatures of Divine creation
A salt that offers Divine goodness and finds peace
One with another.
In Christ, the Truth of Love is revealed.
Together we sing songs of praise
And we pray for ourselves and for each other
That we may bear the fruits of your Divine harvest…...


that we may walk together, one with another and share of ourselves and of our abundance. Acknowledge the many flavours that we are…. And pray that we bring flavour into the lives of others….. Rejoice in our saltiness…..thanks for all who guide us into the way of love and away from the shadows of fear.

Pray for each other, and for all who know pain, anxiety, loneliness and conflict. Give thanks for those who are not like us pray that we may learn from our differences.

Pray for those whose hands we hold and for those in whose hands we are held. Give thanks for the opportunities we have to share in the unfolding of God’s creative purpose and promise. Pray for those who dwell in shadows; make us wise and faithful friends who carry a lamp to them.

Give thanks for those who are our elders and for the stories that they pass on. Give thanks that we have freedom to live, and pray that we may bring freedom to others. Give thanks for those who create peace and who are not afraid...For refugees and asylum seekers and all who offer them hospitality. Give thanks for those who bring light into our lives.. Pray for the Church – that together we may know the light, and be a light for others.


A Sesquicentenary Prayer

Lord of all generations
Bless our celebration of 150 years of ministry with the Diocese of Perth.
We give thanks for those whose dedication and vision enabled the foundation and development of this diocese.
Guide those of us now entrusted with this responsibility.
Encourage us and give us the commitment, enthusiasm and inspiration we need.
May we have breadth of vision and generosity that will enable us to provide a solid foundation of faith for future generations.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Daily Prayer from Perth Anglican Diocese See left hand column

Prayer in the tradition of St Paul

Creator of Life, of light and all Love, we pray thee
to fill this house with thy Spirit.
Here may the strong renew their strength and seek
for their working lives a noble consecration.
Here may the poor find succour and the friendless
Here may the tempted find power, the sorrowing
comfort and the bereaved find the truth that death
hath no dominion over their beloved.
Here let the fearing find a new courage and the
doubting have their faith and hope confirmed.
Here may the careless be awakened and all that are
oppressed be freed.
Hither may many be drawn by thy love and go
hence, their doubts resolved and faith renewed,
their sins forgiven and their hearts aflame with thy
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

From the Chapel porch, Pleshey Retreat House, with amended
divine address.